
Hi, I'm Travis. Thanks for stopping by.

What is this? Why is this here? Who am I? Why should you care?

Way to go, you've found my portfolio! The purpose of this site is mostly to store and display artwork I'm particularly proud of in a place I have complete control over rather than social media. I do occasionally post artwork on Instagram, but this is the place I'll be most active and post new stuff first.

Feel free to download my art and even print it out or post it wherever if you really like it. All I ask is you point people my way or give me credit somewhere. All of the artwork available on this site is © 2024 Travis Witt with a few exceptions; Any drawings based on characters/celebrities/or other possibly copyrighted material are copyright their original authors and are displayed here as fan tributes and/or parodies. TL;DR If there's a picture or something on the site you want me to take down just ask.

Over time the contents of this site will probably change depending on what I'm currently working on, how I'm feeling, etc. If you're interested in my stuff or anything I have to say check back often because I might have something new. If you'd like a print of my artwork or if you'd like to request a commission, email me at info@traviswitt.com and let's chat.